Back Pain And Sciatica Relief

Up to 70 percent of Indian will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. With numbers like that, it’s no wonder that many times, low back pain can become a chronic issue. If you or a loved one have been experiencing any early warning signs of a back injury or sciatica that include numbness, tingling, and intense pain – physical therapy can help. Our experienced physical therapist has the skills needed to provide safe, effective and non-invasive treatment for patients of all ages. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of physical therapy for low back pain and sciatica at Physio Blend.

What is Sciatica?

When the sciatic nerve becomes irritated, it results in intense and often chronic pain that is called sciatica. Anything that irritates the sciatic nerve can result in pain, from mild to very severe. However, in most cases, sciatica is the result of a compressed nerve in the lower spine. Many people confuse the term sciatica with general low back pain. But this common musculoskeletal condition is not just limited to the lower back. Because the sciatic nerve is the widest and longest nerve in the body, it is possible for patients to experience pain that runs down from the lower back, into the buttocks, then down through the legs and feet.

The sciatic nerve controls a group of muscles in the lower legs, supplying sensation to the lower leg area and the foot. While sciatica is not technically a condition but a symptom of other common issues affecting the sciatic nerve, it is estimated that up to 40 percent of people will suffer from sciatica at least once in their lifetime.

Often, sciatica is the result of an injured spinal disc compressing the sciatic nerve. When a patient has a ruptured disc, it can leak (herniate) or protrude (bulge) out of place and put pressure on the nearby nerve. This type of injury can be the result of regular wear and tear, repetitive stress on the lower back or some form of acute trauma. Other common underlying issues that may result in sciatic nerve pain include:

  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bony tumors (in rare cases)

Common Symptoms and Risk Factors Associated with Low Back Pain and Sciatica

While the sciatic nerve originates in the lower spine, some people with the condition may not experience any low back pain at all. Instead, they suffer from a number of different symptoms that affect the nerves that flow into the right or left leg. In cases where sciatica affects the legs, patients may experience symptoms that include:

Pain radiating from the buttocks, down into the back of the leg and sometimes into the feet.
Shooting pain in the legs, numbness, and burning pain
Weakness in the legs
Decreased reflexes in the legs
Other common symptoms may include back stiffness, a decreased range of motion in the hip area, muscles tenderness and spasms. Patients may find that their pain seem more severe in the morning and after prolonged periods of standing or sitting. Lower back pain and sciatica typically affects people who have very physically demanding jobs, those who have recently experienced some form of physical trauma. Diabetes, smoking, and obesity may increase your risk of sciatica and lower back pain.

Diagnosing Your Back Pain

Physio Blend uses sophisticated diagnostic methods to help determine the root cause of your back pain, and which services you help resolve your pain or injury quickly. There are numerous benefits to diagnostic services to help discover the cause of your pain before we even treat you. For one, it saves you time and money!

Before we begin treating you, we are able to know what the problem is (and show you!). We can recognize sooner if this is a problem a physical therapist can help with, or if you require other medical services.

Diagnostic testing also lets us be more accurate than other physical therapy clinics that do not use testing. Being able to see the pain with these tests helps us treat you with efficiency by providing us with knowledge of exactly where the pain is coming from. This is huge for physical therapists and could revolutionize the entire industry – Most PT clinics don’t offer all or any of these tests pre-treatment!!