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Services We Provide

Advance Approach Towards Problem Solving

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is an integral part of physical therapy treatment. It’s a vast topic to understand but in simple words manual therapy consists of many joint mobilization and soft tissue mobilization/manipulation techniques to treat musculoskeletal disorders(pain/injuries).
Traction, soft tissue mobilization, joint distraction/mobilization, trigger point release technique, active release techniques, Positional release, stretching, IASTM, lymphatic Drainage etc. are integral part of manual therapy.

Dry Needling

dry needling is an invasive procedure where a fine needle or acupuncture needle is inserted into muscle. It is aimed at myofascial trigger points (MTrP) . Trigger point dry needling can be carried out at superficial or deep tissue level.


Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a technique which is often used in physical therapy. IASTM works like soft tissue mobilization, but specialized instruments are used in place of a therapist’s hands. These instruments are made of medical graded surgical stainless steel and are designed in various shapes and sizes that includes different edges and surfaces.specialized techniques are there to treat soft tissues by these instruments.

Therapeutic Taping

Taping is used as an adjunct to treatment protocols. Athletes often make use of taping as a protective mechanism in the presence of an existing injury. Some of the goals with taping are to restrict the movement of injured joints, soft tissue compression to reduce swelling. support anatomical structures, and as protection from re-injury. Taping is used as one of the means of rehabilitation or prophylaxis in instances where support and stability are needed, as a first-aid tool, for the prevention of injury and protection of an injured anatomical structure while healing is taking place.


Electrotherapy consists of many therapeutic modalities in physical therapy treatment such as Moist Heat Therapy, TENS,IFT,UST,Laser,NMES,WAX BATH,Russian Currents, muscle stimulator etc. these works in decreasing pain, stimulating muscles and nerves, increasing healing procedure .

Specific Rehabilitation Programs

Rehabilitation Includes Physical Exercises, Functional Activities, Strengthening Exercises, Stretching, Manual Therapy, And Much More. These Should Be Planned And Execute In a Specific Manner To Regain Body Movements And Activities. Whether it Its Sports Injury, Musculoskeletal Condition, Or Neurological Condition, All Needs Specific Rehabilitation Protocols.
Physio Blend Designs Rehab Programs In Order To Progress Recovery In Quick Time And By Advanced Approach. Saving Time And Money Of An Individual We Recommend Suitable Protocols And Execute These Rehab Programs To Best. As The Name Suggests Physio Blend Blends All Advanced Approach And Techniques For Better Recovery Of An Individual.

Functional Assessment / Training

Functional Activities Are Important Aspect Of Our Daily Activities. There Are Various Causes Due To Which Daily Movements And Activities Gets Affected Or Lost, So It Becomes Very Important To Solve Problems In Order To Get Good In Daily Movements. Sports Athletes, Gym Going People, Or Any Normal Individual Can Suffer Recurrent Functional Activity Problem With Or Without Pain.
Movement Patterns Are To Be Assessed In Particular Manner For Which You Need A Good Physiotherapist. The combination Of Various Movement Patterns Forms Functional Activities. For Example, Picking Up Goods From the Ground Needs Your Body To Flex In Simple Words But your Neck And Back To Flex With Squat And Afterwards Reaching Activity If We Can Understand In a Complex Manner. So If Any Condition Or Injury To Any One Muscle Or Soft Tissue Or Joint Can Resist You From Perform This Simple Motion. So Specific Assessment And Training Is Needed To Resolve These Tasks.

Bio- Mechanical Fault Correction

Bio-Mechanical Fault Or Problems Are Abnormalities In The Movements Produced By Internal Or External Forces And The Reaction Of the Body Towards Them. These Abnormalities Can Cause Abrupt Movements, Painful Activities, Or Loss Of Movement Too. Its Many A Times Un-diagnosed Or Can Not Be Detected By Scans. Repetitive Stress Injuries Can Be Due To Bio-mechanical Faults That Leads To Abnormal Stress On The Structures Such As Tennis Elbow, Dequairvians Etc, And Also Muscle Strain And Ligaments Sprains. For An Example, Overpronation Of The Foot Can Lead To Acl Sprain At Some Point Of Time.
These Should Be Detected As Early As Possible So To Prevent Further Secondary Injury Or Problems. After It Gets Noticed Suitable Therapy Is Required To Resolve It And Its Prevention For Reoccurrence.

Frequently Asked Questions

we will certainly find a correct cause of your pain(diagnosis) which may have not been explained to you or not known yet . without it its like shooting an arrow in the dark.

electrotherapy modalities are a part of physiotherapy treatment but not the treatment itself instead many other effective advanced techniques are introduced and plays vital role in your best treatment protocol. We are well armed with latest techniques like Manual Therapy, Dry Needling,Taping, cupping etc

Absolutely not ,we are qualified medical professionals who do not jerk or manipulate things to fancy certain sounds without any exact reason but we do joint mobilization just to increase range of motion and mobilize soft tissues to treat you completely.

no, for body massage you need to visit massage center not us. We do certain therapeutic techniques which may seem like that but its only for targeted muscles and on to trigger points(painful area) , also these techniques resolves source of problem and relief thereafter rather than sense of relaxation as like in massage. deep tissue release, myo fascial release, sports massage are targeted to get valuable relief to the patient.

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